Southridge Run: Fun 10K Run for the Win!

Saturday mornings always equate to laziness for me. My phone alarm is always off. 10.09.10 is an exception. One of my running friends, uber fast, Francis Mac invited us to join a fundraising run to support Muntinlupa public schools. The run will be in the South. Since I’m not joining the PAU Pinatubo Trail Run, I registered together with my other teammates. It is for a good cause, anyway. The plan was to run then add another 2hours of run after and/or play with our new toys.

Feeling quite sluggish, I was the last one to arrive in the area. Good that the race didn’t start on time.

I promised Mark Bessie that I will pace with him so he hits a sub 60 this time. Perfect as I am worried on my aching heel sustained from playing with my new toy.

After the countdown, we went off with the 5kers. The kids were flying together with the Kenyans and oh, my own teammates!

I was going on a 5:30 average pace at the first half kilometer, then decided to settle down to 5:50 as Bessie might be over exerted. A bit hard to control the pace when you are surrounded with overly eager crowd. As the run continues, we were able to overtake some who sped up at the start. Told Bessie to stay just behind me. I’d look behind and slow down to keep gap to at least 50 meters.

I was running at around 5:30 pace by kilometer 3. Lost bessie, stopped and found him down the hill. Wow, that was one steep uphill. Stayed on top, walked looking and waiting for Bessie until he caught up.

The next kilometers were rolling and then a long downhill going towards the 5th kilometer which would be near the turnaround. After that, we need to go around the same route again.

I saw the Kenyans and the leadpacks flying! Before reaching the turnaround, I heard Kaye saying hi to Bessie. Wow! She is def getting faster.

Kaye smells blood, went for it and fed me her dust! Way to go Rockstar!

Then I saw my dear friend Ali (my dear teammate who has always overtaken me at the last legs of 2 ultramarathons &camsur marathon), he is 50 meters ahead. I told him I will race him near the finish. Nah! Jan from the other side of the road also shouted, “Tin, bawi ka na kay ali. yan lang, oh” It could have been fun but I got Bessie to attend to. I’ll see you soon Ali hehehe…

Kaye overtook me on the 5th kilometer and I trailed behind her. She definitely got the form and looks quite comfortable with an even pace. The Team Bald Runner-Elites should be proud, training paid off.

Back to my pacer role, Bessie is still doing well. It was the last 3kilometers, a little of rolling route then downhill to the finish. The marshal told me, before I made a left to finish (the last 1k) that I was the third girl. I could have sworn, there were still many girls ahead though. But,…hmmm why not, they could be right! I forgot about Bessie (I lost sight of him already after the uphills) and stayed behind Kaye. I ate her dust for that last 5k, finishing 40 seconds ahead. We crossed the mark in 52 minutes plus.

I realized haven’t had much 10k races, got to do this more. It is definitely fun especially small ones like this.

There wasn’t much commotion around the finish line, the organizers were just taking note of the winners. I wasn’t expecting to podium finish but why not check it before heading to run another 20k or more (or less).

Bib 2524 third place! Francis confirmed. Woahhh…it was worth waking up this Saturday morning! Congratulations Kaye for being first runner up and the to Jaymie, the Bull Runner – for winning top female!

Congratulations to everyone who joined the race especially the first timers and the cute kiddos who ran their 1k fun run!

Southridge Fun Run - Fun Run indeed! Organizer Francis on the lead of the 1k runners.

Congratulations to the organizers, esp Francis Mac! Good job, it was simple yet great!

Photos courtesy of Jojo Gloria, Bong Uichanco, Raffa Abaya & Paeng Paner.

And to my teammates, it wasn’t a PR for most of us but you were fast indeed for a tough route like that. And finally, we are all on the first page of the race results!

Did we make you proud Team?

The win is for Smacky (since he treated us for breakfast to celebrate his birthday and our Podium). Happy Birthday!

Before I completely forget, the race is supposed to be about me pacing Bessie. He crossed the finish line in an hour. 3minutes off for a tough route! Congrats Mark! I wish I can pace you in NY!

Now, back to my new toy! I just learned after this race that I wasn’t doing it right, hence the pain. And the pain won’t worsen with running – it would actually stretch it and eventually make it stronger. Now, I’ve conquered that fear. (Thanks for the expert advise Ali!) Next fear to conquer, further increase of the scratches I got on my legs after two rides. Ugh!

Bike, I'll see you in a week!

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8 replies

  1. i am really proud of you and the rest of the team. good luck on your future races! very lucky singlet! hehehe!


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